
Buckwheat husk pillow

I first heard about these types of pillows on an episode of The Talk Show and with the summer rolling around last year, decided to get a couple to help us sleep more comfortably in the heat. I was sceptical but they really work. Great at keeping a comfortable temperature and the shape you want.

The only downside is that they can be a little noisy, but its something you get used to and now I find regular pillows way too soft.

Posted 29th May 2019 @ 12:00

Aurora smart bulb dimmer

Looks like it's been made specifically for the American market, but this is exactly the type of thing we need to deal with one of our rooms that have Philips Hue bulbs.

Price: $40

Posted 28th May 2019 @ 17:30

Being black in Nazi Germany

I heard about this movie through the Kermode and Mayo podcast, where Amma Asante was a guest discussing the film Where Hands Touch. Yet another side to the War you're unlikely to have any idea about.

Posted 28th May 2019 @ 15:00

6 key takeaways from the critical European elections

While the Brexit Party's triumph will likely dominate headlines, it's worth noting that the various pro-Remain parties together comprise the majority of votes.

The more and more I think about it, the more important this point is. As a country (only ~37% voted last week), the majority opted for parties that aligned with remaining in the EU and that's without even considering Labour's position which is to hold a second referendum in the event of a no-deal scenario and should a general election come about it would be the only policy that would go anywhere near ensuring they took power.

My take on proceedings was far less optimistic yesterday morning!

Posted 28th May 2019 @ 11:30

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