
A car wrap for the indecisive millionaire ?

There's no way this is real. Right? I looked at who was tagged in the photo to find out more and first up was @ceramicpro who have a video where they are 'testing' their digitalized protection film - available 2023.

The second tag was for @bad.not.bad who shared the same video. Real or not, it's a very interesting idea.

Posted 20th Apr 2019 @ 21:00

Why EU regions are redrawing their borders

Really informative and interactive piece by The Pudding on how countries are redefining regions in order to secure more funding.

They've done a great job of visualising how developed Europe is by country and regions.

Posted 20th Apr 2019 @ 18:00

Amazon and Google both launch ad-based ‘free' music tiers

Amazon's offering is limited to the US for now but the free YouTube Music service is available in a number countries including the U.K.

Posted 19th Apr 2019 @ 17:00

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