How Jack Dorsey plans to change Twitter
The bottom line: Dorsey said he's not worried that those changes could mean people will spend less time on Twitter. "If more relevance means less time on the service, that's perfectly fine," he said, adding that if people are having conversations, Twitter "can still serve an ad against that."
If this means monetizing content over users, then what a move this will be. Engagement might be a good metric for marketers and for reach but it appears to be pretty damaging day to day.
While we wait for these changes to be applied, you can already do a few things to improve your experience on Twitter.
Posted 17th Apr 2019 @ 15:01
Text Entry

Text entry on your TV is maddening and even with an Apple TV, which prompts on your phone, it's not entirely seamless.
Posted 16th Apr 2019 @ 09:11
Notre Dame cathedral burns in Paris
More from The Atlantic on the aftermath and how it looks inside the cathedral.
Posted 15th Apr 2019 @ 21:40
Geneva Motor Show 2019 electric vehicle highlights
Once again, some very interesting cars on display and especially in the EV arena. Fully Charged had great coverage of last year's event too.
Posted 15th Apr 2019 @ 17:44