Social media platforms muzzle Trump after Capitol melee
President or not, he should have been held to the same, if not higher, standard than the rest or us. This action is long overdue. Facebook have suspended his account indefinitely (minimum 2 weeks) and Twitter should do the same instead of waiting for further violations.
Everyone should stop following him, but if the only way that happens is by banning him, so be it. The western world has wasted 5 years on Trump and Brexit. What a world we live in.
Posted 7th Jan 2021 @ 16:37
★ Sourdough Broccoli Pizza from Inside Out
I feel so hungry after watching this.
Posted 6th Jan 2021 @ 12:43
★ AirPods Max - hear what it actually sounds like (? Headphones required)
Clever demonstration of the noise cancellation features. I have the regular AirPods and always wondered what transparency mode was like on the Pro models and now I have a pretty good idea thanks to this video.
Posted 6th Jan 2021 @ 12:06
Post-Brexit Britain arrives
Excellent summary from Axios:
The bottom line: For the past 40 years, Britain found peace and prosperity as one of the most important players in a community of more than 400 million people. As of today, it has become, once again, an island off the coast of Europe.
Posted 4th Jan 2021 @ 10:55
2020, in 7 minutes
Easy to forget just how much of a shit show 2020 was...
Posted 2nd Jan 2021 @ 08:16
Chichen Itza in the 1890s and now
One of the books I read this year, An Idiot Abroad, actually mentioned how it was 'discovered' just over a decade ago. I assumed it would have been in a remote area but at no point did I think it would have been as invisible as it was.
Posted 31st Dec 2020 @ 20:36
How Bad Is Your Spotify
I feel personally attacked after going through this exercise... Highly recommend it!
Posted 24th Dec 2020 @ 09:56