Facebook's News Feed era is now officially over

The News Feed is what makes all social networks so accessible. A constant stream of information from what you choose to follow. Easy. And yet they've all messed with their core feature to drive engagement over quality.

If you struggle to kick your Facebook habit, I encourage you to demote the app on your phone and to turn of notifications.

In today's landscape social networks are being used for spreading political messages and misinformation no matter how accurate any of that information is. Profit is all they seem to be worried about and they should really decline advertising for spreading political messages. Political or anti-vaccination groups should have no way of promoting their content through ads. And in the case of the latter, their reach should be limited.

Even better still would be a total ban on disinformation that is clearly and consistently disproven. At least it gives me yet another chance to roll out this video on vaccines:

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