First Vehicles With Next-Generation Apple CarPlay Announced Ahead of 2024 Launch

The next generation of CarPlay was announced over a year ago, and while I think it does look great, I thought it would be more likely to serve as some inspiration for car manufacturers... I just didn't see how any car manufacturer would buy into it.

Looks like I was wrong and it will be in cars as early as next year. If you can afford one of them.

I am actually a big fan of Porsche's cars. I think externally, it would be hard to pick a bad looking car they've ever made. Maybe they don't all stand the test of time, but overall I would say they deliver hit after hit after hit. When car shopping, I did briefly look at Porsche as an option. Unrealistic, but no harm in window shopping until I looked inside. The instrument clusters for modern Porsches are not at the level they should be. Trying to marry their analogue heritage with a digital future hasn't worked well in my opinion.

CarPlay, weirdly, appears to be trying to do the same but maybe a tiny bit more successfully than Porsche have done. On the previews, Aston Martin's implementation looks more in keeping with their brand than their own digital instrument clusters.

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