
AirPods, an Augmented-Reality Wearable Computer

How far AirPods have come, from being ridiculed when they launched and now I see them everywhere. They're comfortable and more importantly, they just work.

Posted 21st Sep 2019 @ 14:42

40th Anniversary of the sony Walkman

I still remember going to buy my first Walkman, a black and grey model that had colour coded earpieces so you knew which ear to put them in.

I also loved having MiniDisc recorder, it really felt like the future but didn't get any real traction despite. Not that I helped but not buying pre-recorded albums and only re-writable MiniDiscs. Timing wasn't great either as MP3s became popular. They did get featured in The Matrix though.

Posted 20th Sep 2019 @ 11:55

Apple Maps new Look Around feature — Honolulu, Hawaii

I updated to iOS 13 last night and was happy to see the Look Around announced when you first open the Apple Maps app. The feature is only available in San Francisco, Las Vegas and Honolulu and it works really well.

This video retraces the steps we took 10 years ago when we visited Hawaii and would walk from our hotel towards Waikiki beach. It's pretty smooth and nicer experience than Google Maps but it would be really nice if you could hide all the clutter.

It also looks like there's more detail in Honolulu where the perspective of cars, people and objects shifts slightly as you look around at a particular spot but if you do the same on The Strip in Vegas, it feels flatter and much more like the Streetview experience we're used to.

I've seen the Apple Maps cars in 4 locations in London over the past 6-8 weeks so I'm really looking forward to seeing the feature roll out to more cities and countries.

Posted 20th Sep 2019 @ 09:00

New Identity for A.C. Milan by DixonBaxi

I've linked to Brand New's stuff before when it comes to football, most notably when the Champions League branding got updated. The 3D render of the new AC Milan logo looks great, but it's still such a fussy logo and looks more suited to a car manufacturer than a football club.

My own favourite teams, Liverpool and Roma both have complicated logos but the former now use the simplified Liver bird on their kits and Roma have used a simpler version of Lupa Capitolina on some of theirs.

Milan don't have anything to fit that role right now, but perhaps dropping the vertical black and red stripes (already reflected by the pattern on their home kit), it would have greatly simplified things and given more emphasis to their history and origins.

Posted 19th Sep 2019 @ 20:43

The insane Cambridge Analytica election interference revelations in The Great Hack

It's astounding how much CA have gamed election campaigns across the world. The Great Hack is a documentary that is well worth your time.

Carole Cadwalladr's TED talk is also a good watch and features at the end of the documentary.

Posted 19th Sep 2019 @ 19:37

Obama swipes Trump on watching TV and using Twitter

Former President Barack Obama said at a tech conference Wednesday that one key to his decision-making was relying on staff and surrounding himself with a diversity of viewpoints, before adding:
"The other thing that is helpful is not watching TV or reading social media."

Posted 19th Sep 2019 @ 18:09

The surprising truth about UK energy use

Interesting video, but I feel like there was a bit of misinformation around electric cars. The road tax you now pay in the UK isn't just based on it's CO2 emissions but on it's original list price too.

If you drive an electric car that cost less than £40,0000 then it will in fact be free to drive, but if your car's list price is £40,000 or more then the owner must pay a premium of £320 for years 2-6 of it's life. So a Tesla Model 3, or a Nissan Leaf (as featured in the video) might fall into that band, but a Model S wouldn't.

Posted 19th Sep 2019 @ 14:51

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