Week 149 was posted by Charanjit Chana on 2020-08-31.
Over the past few months I've been digging into my design skills and have been a little more active on Dribbble than before. I find it to be a great resource for inspiration but I also find it overwhelming with the amount of content available.
(The search is the one area that really needs some attention IMO)

Earlier this year, I refreshed the logo for 1 Thing A Week and shared it on Dribble, followed by the variations above.

I've experimented with a few simple illustrations, something I want to do more off. Thinking about it, there seems to be an art theme to the year!
As new football shirts were being unveiled, I put together a couple of simple pieces. One to cover the new kit from Roma and another to celebrate Liverpool's league triumph last season.

I'd love a few more followers and I'm looking to put up a few more pieces. If nothing more than satisfying an itch, I hope to be able to inspire others as much as I've been inspired by all I've seen on Dribbble. Like in most places, you can find me as @cchana.
Tags: design, dribbble, social media, design, dribbble, social media