
Billionaire Boys Club and The Hundreds for Black Lives Matter

Nice collaboration between the two the brands, available for 48 hours and all proceeds go to Black Lives Matter and The Black Mental Health Alliance.

Posted 10th Jun 2020 @ 09:52

What do we mean when we say defund the police?

This makes so much sense for the US. In the UK the police (and most other public services) have been underfunded, but if those funds were re-distributed in the way it was described in the infographic then that benefits everyone more than blindly funding the police does.

Posted 9th Jun 2020 @ 15:17

New Zealand to lift all restrictions as it declares itself virus-free

What an amazing achievement. Well done, New Zealand.

In contrast it's pretty sad to see social distancing being ignored at beaches and parks across the country when the UK government hasn't officially moved from level 4 (of 5) and yet they're encouraging us to do things that should only be allowed once we've reached level1.

Posted 8th Jun 2020 @ 12:47

Google search starts highlighting results directly on webpages

This worried me at first. Either Google has found a way to inject their content on to pages you visit via search results OR they're taking their position as your analytics or ad tool and repurposing it to deliver functionality you haven't opted in to... but looks like this is a feature in Chrome, so it's not so bad.

These kinds of features are really useful for users and if it's a part of the Chrome product, great.

If you see this working in Safari or other browsers, then it's most likely an AMP page that someone has asked Google to deliver on their behalf.

Posted 5th Jun 2020 @ 09:18

"I Am Not Okay With This" trailer

We just finished watching this last night. I don't think the trailer sells it, which is why I didn't share it before, but it's a great show. Just 7 episodes, about 20 minutes each so it's over really fast and ends right when you want it to carry on! I really hope it gets picked up for a second season.

Posted 4th Jun 2020 @ 12:40

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